Two more days will be Bak Zhang Day. A lot of hawkers start selling bak zhang, so it's not very hard to get it now. The variation of bak zhang also getting more and more, namely sambal bak zhang, yam bak zhang, salted egg bak zhang, .etc.
However, bak zhang nowadays is not cheap though, 1 biji of bak zhang can sell up to RM2 - 3 (can pay for 1 bowl of kolo mee =S), gulp ~
Friday, June 6, 2008
Season To Eat Bak Zhang
Posted by Orange at 6/06/2008 10:28:00 PM 721 oranged
Labels: Festival
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Petrol Price Is Hiking Up!

Posted by Orange at 6/04/2008 10:21:00 PM 1 oranged
Labels: Living
Monday, June 2, 2008
My New Toys
This entry is all about lady stuff, so men are strictly prohibited. No laa, if you are interested to read, I don't mind also, hiak, hiak, hiak!

* Maquillage Eye Liner Gel
* Stila Shadow Pots / Eye Mouse
Another thing that I won't miss is my concealer, because I've dark circle and eye bags problem =( Lastly, is the mascaras ~ Yeah, I like mascara especially the multi-effect mascara that gives voluming, lengthening and curling effect. (Can I get a full size one? tsk~ tsk~ tsk~ behave, Oren!)
Stila Shadow Pots
I don't get paid for this entry, but I paid for those items ~>..<~
Lady~ lady~ lady~ =\
Posted by Orange at 6/02/2008 11:43:00 PM 0 oranged
Labels: Sharing
I've been to this fast food restaurant few weeks ago. This restaurant has just open not so long ago, it's called FryDays. From it's name, I think you can roughly guess this restaurant is selling something fried. Yeah, it's selling fried chicken ^^
I was made known to this restaurant by SP, who has recommended me to try their plum flavoured fried chicken. In fact, they offer 3 types of flavour, namely original, hot & spicy and plum. SP also recommended me to try their wedges, so I tried. The wedges are actually 'ubi kayu' (my brain stuck, what's ubi kayu in englishhhh arr?) instead of potatoes which usually served by other fast food restaurant, not bad.
Personally, I found the plum flavoured fried chicken is quite nice. When having my meal there, I have an idea flash into my mind - grab the whole can of plum powder from the chef, then I sendiri pour as much plum powder as I want on the fried chicken. (aherm, greedy Oren, behave, behave!)
Posted by Orange at 6/02/2008 12:40:00 AM 474 oranged
Labels: Reviews
Sunday, June 1, 2008
2 Months ...
I have not updated my blog for almost 2 months simply because I was bogged down with a lot things but sometimes is because the lazy bugs sting kin me also, so ... =P
However, time just fly without waiting for us and a lot things have happened within these 2 months. Friends are also leaving the Miao Miao town for their future undertaking ... sob ... sob ... T__T (Nevermind, then I have reason to fly over maa~ [whistle] make sure you girls reserve a space for me to squeeze .\/.)
Anyway, I hope to update my blog more often (at least not once in two months >..<) and I really really hope to catch up with fellow bloggers out there. I guess I must have missed out a lot of your postings.
Posted by Orange at 6/01/2008 11:51:00 PM 0 oranged
Labels: Life Documentary
Friday, March 28, 2008
Why Men Like To Shake Their Legs?
I've wondering this for quite some times, don't get offended if you are reading this entry, I'm just curious. I noticed that men like to shake their leg whenever they're in sitting position (somemore a lot patterns). Any reason why it's so?
Whenever I go to food court, conference, dinner reception, restaurant, .etc as long as there're places to sit down (don't tell me there're people shake their leg in standing position -.-), I can see them naturally start shaking their legs after they sit down for a while. For me this is no big deal laa, just curious.
However, sometimes this can be very annoying if you happen to sit together with those super shake one. Imagine when you are eating, the table tend to shake ~ shake ~ shake ~; Or, when you are sitting on a long bench, the whole bench just shake ~ shake ~ shake ~ =____=
Posted by Orange at 3/28/2008 02:54:00 PM 121 oranged
Labels: Thoughts
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Got Scare No Danger 有惊无险
It's late night, we're at our room and it's almost time to go to bed. Suddenly, the fire alarm broke the quietness. First thing flashed into my mind, 'Got fire mer?' then I opened the door. Waaa ~ really got smoke at the other end of the corridor, shock man =O
I quickly called the receptionist to find out what's happening. He told me that their maintenance team already looked into the problem and advised me to stay in the room. If anything happened, he will call to our room again.
After put down the phone, I went out to check the condition again. This time the smoke got thicker and I can even smell the kerosine. Without a second thought, I quickly went back to my room and packed all my essential belongings. Well, in case anything happen I'm ready to chiong maa ~ (kia si maa ~)
At that very moment, I was wondering if I should walk down the staircase. Come on, I'm staying at floor 11th laa, grrr.... As I still quite worry about the situation, I called the receptionist again. Still he advised me to stay inside the room. =\ After a while, the smoke was gone and the alarm also stopped ringing. I assumed everything was fine.
This morning I checked with the receptionist again, the reason given was they were doing fogging last night (doing fogging at floor 11th, so desu ~) and forgot to turn off the fire alarm =___= ewww ~
Posted by Orange at 3/27/2008 11:10:00 PM 0 oranged
Labels: Life Documentary
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Please Make The Statement Clear A Bit Lah
When I purchased my air ticket, I noticed that MAS also has web check-in service like Air Asia. They allow passenger to check-in 24 hours to 90 minutes prior to the departure time. I thought that's a very great effort of them to provide such service.
As I'm travelling to Sibu tomorrow morning =( I decided to use their web check-in so that I don't have to go to airport so early. I followed the guided instrustions to perform my check-in, but I can only select Kuala Lumpur from the Origin drop-down list instead of Kuching.
Then, I called MAS hotline to double check the problem with them. After ding dong here and there, the reason I got from them is, the web check-in service only available for Silver Enrich member and advised me to use normal check-in =S
I thought my eyes hit bird, I then refered back to their website and I found out it wasn't stated so! It's stated as,
"Who are eligible to use Web Check-in?
Passenger travelling alone or in a party of nine (9) excluding infant, holding an eTicket with a confirmed booking"
Lucky I try to check-in tonight, imagine I check-in just 90 minutes before the departure time, really will long piak! >..<'
Not only they didn't state clearly in their website, the operator addressed me as 'Encik' few times! =___= My voice sounds like Encik mer, grrrrr!!!!!!
Posted by Orange at 3/25/2008 11:28:00 PM 37 oranged
Labels: Reviews
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
So So Pathetic!
Next time if you see promotion flyers that sticked on walls or windows, think twice and ask in details before you order. Last Sunday, I had my lunch at a restaurant near BDC area. The waiter asked if I would like to try their promotional item, ie. stew beef served with rice, only RM3. Ok lor, I tried lor, it's RM3 only waa. However, when the food sampai, my jaw dropped and my eye balls popped out! Want to know why? Scroll down to see ...
Posted by Orange at 3/19/2008 01:04:00 AM 7 oranged
Labels: Ban
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Male Or Female?
I'm not a coffee drinker (maybe due to the caffeine content, I feel very uncomfortable after drinking coffee), so I don't really know much about coffee. However, I was made known to something very interesting about coffee bean in Bali. They're indeed categorised into male (公豆) and female (母豆). So, which gender of coffee do you drink? According to the sales person, the male coffee bean (RM50 for 250g) is more expensive than the female one (RM20 for 250g) and they're differentiated by their shape. If it is a male coffee bean, it will be a whole biji one; if it is a female coffee bean, it'll be half biji only. So desu nei ~
Posted by Orange at 3/13/2008 11:01:00 PM 236 oranged
Labels: Sharing
Friday, March 7, 2008
Get Out Of My Way!!!!
Posted by Orange at 3/07/2008 12:08:00 PM 6 oranged
Labels: Travel Log
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Where Do People Wash Their Clothes?

Posted by Orange at 3/06/2008 11:36:00 PM 7 oranged
Labels: Travel Log
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Twenty The Third . 23
Whisper: I feel sick jor, sympton after CNY? =(
Yesterday was a bright sunny Saturday and it was the 23rd of the month. So, can guess what I suppose to do. I HAVE TO GO KCPS TO QUEUE UP TO PURCHASE SEASONAL PARKING COUPON FOR MY VEHICLE AGAIN!!! Not only this is extra burden for us as a worker, this is really cho boh eng!!!

I was shocked when I reached there, I didn't know that place can be so crowded and long queue. However, after a deep thought, it's not surprise to see so many people queued up at KCPS. Why? This is because they only sell 30% quota of every identified parking bay for seasonal parking, it's very limited! Besides, over my conversation with others who have purchased the coupon, they complained the workers who process the purchase are very slow in job!
In their previous press statement, it was said that this regulation is to ensure 'a fair chance for the public to use limited spaces available'. I don't know whether this regulation is workable or not, I only know if you failed to get the seasonal parking, you have to survive parking illegally throughout the month, what the heck!
Maybe this is good for public who just dropped by to pay bill, you can easily get a parking space now. However, for us who work there, die lor ~ Unless you can hang your car on the tree or keep your car inside your pocket ;)
Posted by Orange at 2/24/2008 09:42:00 PM 464 oranged
Labels: Thoughts
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day 2008
Posted by Orange at 2/14/2008 10:50:00 PM 2 oranged
Labels: Events
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Ang Pao Collections 2008
While everyone is busy preparing for Chinese New Year, a few of us are busy here and there to collect and exchange ang pao long (red packet). Personally, I feel that the ang pao long nowadays has been commercialised. A lot of shops will only give away the red packets if your purchase has reached their pre-requisite amount.
Besides, I feel some banks (or their staff? I don't know) also very reluctant to distribute red packets. Anyway, followings are my collections up to date. ^____^

Bottom: Cash Sweep

Posted by Orange at 2/05/2008 11:32:00 PM 2 oranged
Labels: Collections
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Chinese New Year Preparation
Chinese New Year Checklist
- Facial [Done]
- Hair [Done]
- Clothes [Tenggelam] [Done]
- Bags [Tenggelam][Give up]
- Ornaments and Accessories [Tenggelam][Done]
- Shoes [Tenggelam][Give up, not enough time]
I'm still waiting for my salary, I'm dry out already =(
Posted by Orange at 1/27/2008 05:42:00 PM 468 oranged
Labels: Life Documentary
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Shopping Life Cycle
Whisper: At an occasion, I was passing around the cakes and we're talking about the flavour of the cakes
Me: XXXX, nah, this is peppermint layer cakes
YYYY: you never eat peppermint before kah?
Me: ..... =..= (shut up!!! #$#%*#$%^!!!!!)
Sales Initiation ...

Posted by Orange at 1/26/2008 04:22:00 PM 2 oranged
Labels: Thoughts
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Sucking Public Money Again
Whisper: My home streamyx was rather slow this few days, can hardly browse any site =(
Today lunch is tasteless for me, not because the food is not nice but I just pay RM42 for the monthly seasonal parking. Imaging I've to pay for the same amount (who knows maybe more later) in the following months, years to come. =( Till the office moved or I moved, it is a burden for us as a worker.

Starting 1st February 2008, the parking bays of numerous commercial areas in Kuching will be incorporated into existing coupon parking system, namely King's Centre, Simpang Tiga Commercial Centre, Ibraco House Commercial Centre, Hui Sing Commercial Centre, Twin Tower Commercial Centre, Centre Park Phase 6, 7 and 9 Commercial Centre, Golden Arch Commercial Centre, Bormill Commercial Centre and Bangunan Binamas. It was said that these areas are having a growing number of daily visitors. (So means got good business opportunity?)

In a press statement, it was said that this regulation is to ensure 'a fair chance for the public to use limited spaces available' (Ya, right!). It was also said that this is to 'discourage long term parking' (Come on, these are commercial areas, people work there, if not park their cars there, then? Hang the cars on the trees?)

This is what you receive after paying RM42
Posted by Orange at 1/23/2008 11:06:00 PM 4 oranged
Labels: Thoughts
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
What Kind Of Parenting Is This?
Whisper: I just want to reflect my thought, no offence, but very boh lat!
I went to my music class last night. While I was waiting for my turn, I saw a mother with two maids and a kid came up. I thought maybe the mother just want to make sure everything is fine before she left her kid there (well, normally parents just drop their kids at the main entrance and their kids walk up to the classroom themselves).
However, my judgement was totally and completely wrong!!! I couldn't believe with my own eyes, not only the mother stayed back with the two maids until the class finished, the father of the kid also came up later. So, the parents + 2 maids = 4 persons there just to wait for the 'prince' to finish his piano class =..=
My jaw dropped! What is this?! 1 kid go piano class requires 4 adults to accompany? Unless they have some unhappy experience, else I really can't think of any reason why they are doing so. What if next time, when the kid has grown up, goes dating with his love one, also required 4 persons to accompany, or maybe more? ewww ...
This has also brought me back to what I seen in Singapore. While I was waiting for taxi, I saw a teenager coming down from an apartment with a maid (maid again, why kids nowadays so hang fuk one?!) carrying his school bag (I can see with my own eyes, the bag wasn't very big and heavy, ok!?!) =..=
When the mother's car approached, the maid helped him to carry his school bag to the car, only then the maid walked up to the apartment.
Sigh, I see liao, very boh lat! What the heck! -______-
Posted by Orange at 1/22/2008 12:51:00 AM 4 oranged
Labels: Thoughts
Monday, January 21, 2008
Jam! Jam! Jam!
When the Spring opened, I was pretty impressed with their systematic traffic arrangement. They have signages displayed on the post, as well as security guards to direct the traffic. The traffic wasn't that terrible until you have to stuck on the road for more than 1 hour just to get into the basement parking.
However, that doesn't last very long. Just last weekend, I noticed one of the entrances was blocked and there's a long queue to get into the basement parking. Besides, there's always a massive jam at the basement carpark where everyone is waiting for their turn to drive out from the basement / looking for parking space. And, I don't see any security guard there to direct the traffic at the basement.
At one point of time, all the lightings at the basement were turned off. I guess they didn't realise got such massive jam at the basement.
I hope this won't happen so often because I want to go there shopping ler ~ Then again, this is just my own experience, no offence ya ~
Posted by Orange at 1/21/2008 10:32:00 PM 0 oranged
Labels: Thoughts
Friday, January 18, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
So Near And Yet So Far
I feel very bei gam guan now. Why? Simply because we can't get into the Spring just now. (except those eatery place like Kenny Roger and Secret Recipe) =..=
The entrances were blocked, we only get the chance to stand outside of the main entrance. =\
Posted by Orange at 1/10/2008 12:24:00 AM 4 oranged
Labels: Life Documentary
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
The Spring Fever, Any?
Whisper: Thanks to whoever has shared these photos
After Boulevard fever, what's next? The Spring Fever?
This morning I received a circular email from my colleague, is regarding the Spring. There is a photos collection of the Spring attached with the mail. By looking at those pictures already can kill me!!! I can't wait it open liao laa!!!
****** Photos sharing session start ******

Posted by Orange at 1/08/2008 11:55:00 PM 0 oranged
Labels: Sharing