Whisper: My home streamyx was rather slow this few days, can hardly browse any site =(
Today lunch is tasteless for me, not because the food is not nice but I just pay RM42 for the monthly seasonal parking. Imaging I've to pay for the same amount (who knows maybe more later) in the following months, years to come. =( Till the office moved or I moved, it is a burden for us as a worker.

Starting 1st February 2008, the parking bays of numerous commercial areas in Kuching will be incorporated into existing coupon parking system, namely King's Centre, Simpang Tiga Commercial Centre, Ibraco House Commercial Centre, Hui Sing Commercial Centre, Twin Tower Commercial Centre, Centre Park Phase 6, 7 and 9 Commercial Centre, Golden Arch Commercial Centre, Bormill Commercial Centre and Bangunan Binamas. It was said that these areas are having a growing number of daily visitors. (So means got good business opportunity?)

In a press statement, it was said that this regulation is to ensure 'a fair chance for the public to use limited spaces available' (Ya, right!). It was also said that this is to 'discourage long term parking' (Come on, these are commercial areas, people work there, if not park their cars there, then? Hang the cars on the trees?)

This is what you receive after paying RM42
4 oranged:
Haha.. there is no free parking in the world.. So accept the fact~ Seasonal parking is become part of the expanses for vehicle owner now a day. If you are drive to work, then you have to get seasonal parking else you can park anywhere but be ready to get saman lo.. haha... So the best is sharing transport!
haizzz....RM42 per month, can buy few pairs of shoes liao >..< somemore every 23rd of the month need to go KCPS there buy the seasonal parking =..=
This really sucks. When I saw the signboard being nailed to the ground and saw the yellow numbers on the parking lot at the place that I always hang around (Central park), I know this is another sucking public blood tactic.
But luckily the place that I always put my car has no yellow numbers~ it doesn't matter anyway, because I always go there after office hour.
Everytime I complain that my company doesn't have a proper parking lot for staff, now..I should be happy that I don't have to pay additional seasonal parking fee. =X
hahaha....in a way....i only left few days to happy nia liao
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