Next time if you see promotion flyers that sticked on walls or windows, think twice and ask in details before you order. Last Sunday, I had my lunch at a restaurant near BDC area. The waiter asked if I would like to try their promotional item, ie. stew beef served with rice, only RM3. Ok lor, I tried lor, it's RM3 only waa. However, when the food sampai, my jaw dropped and my eye balls popped out! Want to know why? Scroll down to see ...
7 oranged:
Consider expensive ah?
Not worth it ah?
sorry ya, i couldn't judge coz i never take beef in my life >.<
Look quite nice though.
that's tooo toooooooooooo little..
who ask u order that... u can order the orh yea su (fried orh jian) and the bee hoon with thick soup, nice nice nice wahahahha~
beverly: if pay at non-promotional price definitely not worth it =)
apple: taste okie laa....but hv to jimat jimat makan, 1 bite of beef with few mouthful of rice, else will end up eating white rice nia >..<
johnny: anor, lucky i got other food ... =\
5842: blekkk! i didn't know so little order the orh yea su....quite nice lor
Hahaha... this is so hilarious!!
that aside, i wish my fellow blogger think twice before eating beef. there's mad cow disease going around and if you not sure where's the beef come from then, dun take it ><
just a reminder from a meat-lover guy. ^_^
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