Ranchan Recreational Park or much well known as Ranchan Pool by the locals in Miaw Miaw Land is located near to Serian town, which about 60km from Kuching. It's a cool place to visit during holiday or weekend with your family or friends. It's also a ideal place to getaway from the buzzy town.
However, a recent visit to Ranchan Pool makes me feel regret about its facilities and surrounding though the trip is fun. The facilities look abandoned and litter can be seen everywhere. It looks so awful!

Besides, there are also lack of directive sign boards to the water catchment areas. Imagine at one point of time, we do not know which way to go when we try to reach higher level of Ranchan Pool. =..=

Another thing that I'm quite boh lat is the lady toilet (I do not know how about guy toilet, I don't go, alright? Cause I'm a LADY). Imagine there are only 3 toilets available and there's no bathing facilities in place. 3 toilets!!!! Where got enough if the place is crowded??? We have to stand there in wet and wait for our turns, sigh! And, we can only use the poor little water pipe to rinse the water on to our body. I even have to squat down to get the water rinsed on to my body as the water pipe is too short, kanasai! This is so inconvenient for day tripper like us (You gotta pay RM0.20 to enter the toilet).

Abuden, look at the bright side, there's no entrance fee charged when visiting the park waa, what to do?!
5 oranged:
wahlau.. 60km meh? = = so far... sesat later.. :P
Hahaha... Told you so before you went... Other rumours I heard are that people answer "nature's call" upstream... so some people have seen "items" floating downstream.
Jimmy: quite far...I sit inside the car until my butt want to berasap already =P but won't get lost because got signboard at the main road
Galvin: ewww.... (puke) I have seen people BBQ food there and of course having their meal there....and can see the water is oily too....wonder if they wash their dishware with those "nutritious" water .... (shutup)
orange, haha.. c how 1st..maybe will go find when FREE la...
hahahah....understood, uncle jimmy, hiak!
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