Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Spongy Blueberry Tart

This morning my colleague passed a cake box to me, which is actually from another colleague. He is giving away cakes for his baby daughter 'full moon', instead of the traditional red coloured eggs and ang ku kueh.

Blueberry tart

It was just nice for me at that time, because I yet to have my breakfast (ok, I admit I overslept this morning, again! ~>..<~). I made a cup of milo, sat down and start to munch the cake. I thought it was a normal butter cake, but it wasn't.

See, I press down the topping with my spoon

It's a spongy blueberry tart!!! I don't how to describe the blueberry tart in words, it's so heaven especially the spongy topping, errgghhhh~

Afterthat, it toink back again...hehehe

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