Whisper: I feel sick jor, sympton after CNY? =(
Yesterday was a bright sunny Saturday and it was the 23rd of the month. So, can guess what I suppose to do. I HAVE TO GO KCPS TO QUEUE UP TO PURCHASE SEASONAL PARKING COUPON FOR MY VEHICLE AGAIN!!! Not only this is extra burden for us as a worker, this is really cho boh eng!!!

I was shocked when I reached there, I didn't know that place can be so crowded and long queue. However, after a deep thought, it's not surprise to see so many people queued up at KCPS. Why? This is because they only sell 30% quota of every identified parking bay for seasonal parking, it's very limited! Besides, over my conversation with others who have purchased the coupon, they complained the workers who process the purchase are very slow in job!
In their previous press statement, it was said that this regulation is to ensure 'a fair chance for the public to use limited spaces available'. I don't know whether this regulation is workable or not, I only know if you failed to get the seasonal parking, you have to survive parking illegally throughout the month, what the heck!
Maybe this is good for public who just dropped by to pay bill, you can easily get a parking space now. However, for us who work there, die lor ~ Unless you can hang your car on the tree or keep your car inside your pocket ;)